Flute Lessons for Motivated, Passionate Flutists

Get the confidence you've always wanted through private flute lessons using a mindful approach and effective practice techniques.

Transform your flute playing

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Transform your
flute playing

It’s time to cultivate your flute playing
and perform with confidence & effortless ease.

Nail your auditions—level up in ensembles or get that first chair spot

Stop your fingers from having a mind of their own when you’re nervous

Play with a natural vibrato  

Control your tongue/finger coordination when double-tonguing

Let me guess. You wish you had the power to

I get it! I’ve been in your shoes before and had those same exact feelings. 

Playing the flute is harder than it seems. 

People expect you to play a million notes a minute at the drop of a hat, create beautiful phrases without any hint of needing to breathe, and, oh, yeah, you’re always the bird (ahem…”Hagrid’s Friendly Bird.”)

to be equipped with a musical toolkit— 

Master efficient practice strategies
Learn difficult pieces quickly
Understand musical phrase construcution
Practice mindfulness & body awareness

You                to be equipped with a musical toolkit— 


but here's the thing...

All so you can solve problems on the fly—and                in the process.

All so you can solve problems on the fly—and                   in the process.


let's get started

I’ll teach you how to practice efficiently, prepare for performances, and improve your tone and technique.

Perform with confidence & effortless ease

Say goodbye to shaking fingers & quivering lips and hello to staying calm, cool, & collected. Learn how a mindful approach helps you find poise under pressure.

Imagine if you could...

Develop effective &
efficient practice strategies

Never feel like you don’t know how to learn a difficult passage again! Level-up your flute playing with my methodical, systematic techniques catered to your playing level.

Create a conversation through music

It’s easy to simply play the notes on the page. But, telling a story through your flute playing? That’s what will make your listeners swoon.

start your journey

The results

student success

Minnesota all-state band and orchestra members

greater twin cities youth Symphonies Members

minnesota youth symphonies members

superior ratings at contest

college music scholarships


Build a Foundation

We’ll start by taking a step back and return to basics. You can’t build a house without a solid foundation — the same thing applies to playing the flute. We’ll start by honing in on tone and technique.

Here's my 3-step roadmap:

Here's my
3-step roadmap:


Learn the Strategies

Then, you’ll take your playing to the next level by learning how to use my verified methods for interpretation, learning difficult passages, performance preparation, and more. 

Achieve Your Goals & Continue Your Evolution

Finally, we’ll work together to help you achieve your goals. Once they’re met, we’ll set the bar even higher. As you become more advanced, I’ll introduce you to more strategies to help you go even further in your flute playing.


Achieve Your Goals & Continue Your Evolution

Finally, we’ll work together to help you achieve your goals. Once they’re met, we’ll set the bar even higher. As you become more advanced, I’ll introduce you to more strategies to help you go even further in your flute playing.


I’m passionate about teaching you the language of music and problem-solving strategies to help you achieve your goals.

How can I help?

My journey began in college when I was a struggling music major. I rushed through fast passages, didn’t get the results I wanted in auditions, and had terrible pitch. Sound familiar?

Learning how to build a phrase, bring out important notes, and how to communicate musically changed my flute playing. It gave me stability when playing fast and better control of my nerves. It had such a profound impact on me that it’s the foundation of my teaching.

Everything I share with you in flute lessons, I do in my own daily practice. I’ve literally practiced what I teach. 

Learn more

I’m passionate—ok, admittedly obsessed— 
with conquering obstacles on the flute.


Spice up your daily practice routine with long tones based on Marcel Moyse's famous study from De la Sonorité. 


Learn how to do pitch bends on the flute.  You'll improve your tone while finding optimum angle of air for each note.

Start here:

The SW Flute Blog

Improve your flute playing through articles focusing on effective practice techniques and mindfulness that help you tell a story with your flute playing.  

read →


Whether you're looking for private flute lessons, sectional coaching, or a masterclass visit, I'm here to help you or your students discover how they can play with confidence and ease.

My Services


Expressive Long Tones

Warm up with intention

Say goodbye to boring & Warm up with intention

Spice up your daily long tone routine with exercises that help you develop your tone and musicality.



Complete Guide to Flute Vibrato


free printable
step-by-step Tutorial

Learn how to create a natural-sounding vibrato on the flute with this 7-step tutorial.



Two-Octave Scales for Flutists

Increase your range on the flute with scales in all major and minor keys that go to the top and bottom of the flute range. Also included: suggested articulations and alternatives for those not ready for the highest notes.


yes, teach me

Elevate your flute playing through private lessons catered to your goals and needs. Work on tone development (your voice on the flute), technique, vibrato, and more in a creative and nurturing environment. 

Flute Lessons

my signature offering


Ready SetBook.

Because you deserve to play more than just notes on the page.

Let's get started!

Steal this!

Expressive Long Tones for Flutists

Spice up your daily long tone routine with this mini tone book. Develop your tone and expression using exercises inspired by Marcel Moyse's De la Sonorité. Includes a variety of dynamics to choose from.


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